Wednesday 17 October 2012

Friday the 13th Trailer Analysis

This trailer is of Friday the 13th (2009 version). The genre of this movie is Horror. There are various settings seen in this trailer, for example, open water, the woods, cabin and a camp-site  In this trailer there is alot of camera work, for example, there is lots of editing as there are cuts in each scene of the trailer to show briefly what the film is about. There is also good use of montage (editing) in this trailer, as when the numbers appear on the screen, in a matter of seconds it swaps to the next victim and then to the next number, this is really effective. The use of the montage, helps create the mood/tone to the audience, I would also say that this image includes collision cutting. This trailer, has certain aspects of Iconography in it for example, the killer is male this is always the case in many horror films and also the victims are mostly female this is also the case for most horror films. The killer is normally always disguised by wearing a mask and wearing black clothing this is very stereotypical to horrors as this used to create the feeling to the audience that he is the bad guy/evil. Some of the themes that can be applied tot his trailer, just from seeing what is happening, could be, retribution, betrayal, revenge, rampage, death and violence.

From this trailer we can see that a chain of events has occurred at some point during this film, as it has caused a man, which is identified as a killer to go round killing the citizens on the specific day of his birthday.

The use of knowing the binary opposites that are featured in the film/trailer, helps makes the the film/trailer more understanding, giving it a story and also people can identify the genre of the film just by looking at the binary opposites that have been used. Some examples are, Innocent/guilt, life/death, good/evil, past/present, human/monster, normal/abnormal and light/dark..

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