Thursday 15 November 2012

Groups Initial Ideas

1. Me - A Group of friends go to a theme park for the eve of Halloween, and just before the theme park closes, they go to a newly opened horror maze and by this time the weather is completely dark and the majority of the people have already left the park, 4 come out of the maze and 2 are still left in there to complete it, they then wait until the closing time of the theme park for their friends, they realise that they're still not out so the 4 friends are forced to leave the theme park due to the closing time and the next day the 2 friends are still missing and the other 4 realise they've been killed inside this maze. 2. Ollie - The Popular guy of the college dates all the good looking girls, the girls go missing on the date with him, the guy gets bored of these hot girls and goes for a 'geeky/intelligent' girl that nobody seems to be interested in, takes her to his house which is in the woods, and then she realises he is not normal and he has killed all the missing girls and she has to escape him before he kills her. 3. Joe - A group of Friends go to the woods for a camping trip, see a masked man one night, then when they wake up one of the friends is missing, they then see the masked man again and he 'kills' another friend of theirs. All the other friends notice that the killer came as they saw him kill this person, then the other friend was absent so they kill him but it turns out that the friend they killed was working with another friend who he 'killed' and then he hunts them down 1 by 1, who will survive? 4. Steve - Geeky teenage girl/young adult is accidentally invited to a Halloween party at the end of the week whilst standing in with the wrong group of people which hare supposed to be her good friends, she then has visions and night terrors of people being kidnapped and brutally murdered by some old man (the killer), when she comes to, these people have been reported missing for a long time, no one believes her stories about these deaths, and she is scared that this old man will come after her the same night of the party. She does not want to attend the party but is forced to by her friend (peer pressure), and whilst at the party, the killer attacks, killing off the rest of her classmates, leaving her to fight off the killer, being the stereotypical virgin female heroin in the horror genre. THE FINAL GIRL THEORY!

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