Friday 16 November 2012

Paranormal Activity Trailer review

This trailer tells you where the film is going to be based, it shows that it is in a house that is seemed to be haunted, the time of day shows both morning and night filming this makes the film unpredictable as most horror trailers/movies are filmed just generally at night time. The camera is handheld throughout the trailer, with some shots that are shown from placed cameras in the house, but the use of the handheld camera makes it feel you are there and creates a sense of realism. The tracking shots that are shown of the person moving around the house helps build tension to the trailer. There is a lot of Iconography in this trailer, for example the  objects are used very stereotypical to gender roles, the main one being the camera which is controlled by the male, this may be because females do not have the technical ability. The characters in the trialer are shown to the audience as being normal working class citizens living in America, with general clothing and items around the house, the personality of the characters in the trailer show what kind of family they are (a family that care about their children). This trailer automatically has a theme to it just from seeing the first part of the trailer, you almost get a sense of isolation, love and intimidation

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