Friday 16 November 2012

Horror Movie Idea

A group of good friends visit their local theme park on the eve of Halloween, as it is one of their birthdays, and this is where they hve decided to go. At the theme park, it is a 'special event day' being the eve of Halloween, so therefore the theme park is open till 8pm. A new Horror maze has been opened just for tonight and will be officially open at 6pm. These group of friends will have to make the best of the day, as they prepare for the horror maze! These group of friends are the last people to challenge this maze, and there is plenty in store for them to encounter. By the time they come out of the maze ther is only 4 of them, as a boy and girl are both trapped inside the maze, and these were the 2 people at the back of the group. They wait around for the 2 that are trapped and there is still no sign of them come 8pm and they are forced to leave without them. Ever since the 2 people went missing and was no sign of them that night, the theme park has not opened for weeks, it was confirmed that these 2 people were killed during the visit to the maze.

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